Help us

Financing our activity

The Society operates within limited financial resources, we are granted no public subsidy and even the local government offers us only small amounts from time to time.

Our business is a non-profit organisation the funds necessary for the realization and operation of our animal shelter are obtained from the money we get from individual voluntary sponsors, as well as from the 1% tax offers of the civilian population, in rare cases through tenders.

Because of the above reason we are extremely grateful if we receive financial support, material donation or voluntary work.  

Thank you for supporting us!

Wie kann ich helfen?
Szentendre „Arvacska” Tierschutzverein

Name of our organisation: Szentendrei ÁRVÁCSKA Állatvédő Egyesület Közhasznú Társaság

Mailing address: 2001 Szentendre, Pf. 270

Tax number:  18675359-1-13

Bank account: ERSTE BANK HUNGARY  

IBAN: HU 53 1160 0006 0000 0000 0771 9981



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